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Sentry BSR23 Safety expansion relay with relay outputs 4NO+1NC, +24 VDC supply voltage and screw terminals.
Used as expansion relay for a safety relay/safety PLC, in order to increase the number of safe outputs.

Sentry safety relays cover various types of safety applications up to PLe / SIL3.
Basic models provide reliable supervision of simpler safety functions, while universal models provide advanced features and high flexibility.
Models with display offer preset configurations and extensive information to further simplify troubleshooting.
Additional variants offer a high accuracy timer function of ± 1% and an adjustable time setting range from 0-999 s.
High output current capacity of up to 6 A can save the use of an intermediary contactor. Multi-reset allows up to 10 safety relays connected to one reset light-button.
All models are available with detachable push-in or screw terminals. Terminals and coding kit to mark removed terminals are available as accessories.





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R$571,99 R$697,83 (IVA inclusa)


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Sentry BSR23 Safety expansion relay with relay outputs 4NO+1NC, +24 VDC supply voltage and screw terminals.
Used as expansion relay for a safety relay/safety PLC, in order to increase the number of safe outputs.

Sentry safety relays cover various types of safety applications up to PLe / SIL3.
Basic models provide reliable supervision of simpler safety functions, while universal models provide advanced features and high flexibility.
Models with display offer preset configurations and extensive information to further simplify troubleshooting.
Additional variants offer a high accuracy timer function of ± 1% and an adjustable time setting range from 0-999 s.
High output current capacity of up to 6 A can save the use of an intermediary contactor. Multi-reset allows up to 10 safety relays connected to one reset light-button.
All models are available with detachable push-in or screw terminals. Terminals and coding kit to mark removed terminals are available as accessories.

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