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The CX5010 and CX5020 are Embedded PCs from the CX5000 series based on Intel Atom® processors and differ only by the CPU version. The CX5010 has a 1.1 GHz Intel Atom® Z510 processor, while the CX5020 has a 1.6 GHz Intel Atom® Z530 processor. Apart from the clock speed, the two processors also differ by the fact that the Z530 features hyperthreading technology, i.e. it has two virtual CPU cores for more effective execution of software.

Depending on the installed TwinCAT runtime environment, the CX5010/CX5020 can be used for the implementation of PLC or PLC/motion control projects (with or without visualization).





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The CX5010 and CX5020 are Embedded PCs from the CX5000 series based on Intel Atom® processors and differ only by the CPU version. The CX5010 has a 1.1 GHz Intel Atom® Z510 processor, while the CX5020 has a 1.6 GHz Intel Atom® Z530 processor. Apart from the clock speed, the two processors also differ by the fact that the Z530 features hyperthreading technology, i.e. it has two virtual CPU cores for more effective execution of software.

Depending on the installed TwinCAT runtime environment, the CX5010/CX5020 can be used for the implementation of PLC or PLC/motion control projects (with or without visualization).

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