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The JSHD4-5 is a top part of a three-position device JSHD4. It has LEDs and a top button. It must be used with one of the following bottom parts: AB, AD, AH, AJ, AK, AL. Anti-tamper can be chosen as option with all except bottom part AK.
Three-position devices are used to allow a limited movement of the machine when the operator is in the dangerous area, for example during troubleshooting, test running and programming.

JSHD4-5 – 2TLA020006R2500 A2000625 ABB – SISTEMA PLC




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The JSHD4-5 is a top part of a three-position device JSHD4. It has LEDs and a top button. It must be used with one of the following bottom parts: AB, AD, AH, AJ, AK, AL. Anti-tamper can be chosen as option with all except bottom part AK.
Three-position devices are used to allow a limited movement of the machine when the operator is in the dangerous area, for example during troubleshooting, test running and programming.

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